
Argentina: What’s new in Buenos Aires?

Thursday, 20 September – 09:50 – 10:10
Workshop area – Moffat room

Argentina is one of the top destinations in Latin America. Working Holiday Visas are available to live a one-year experience if you are from one of the 12 countries that Argentina has agreements with, however, travellers from all over the world can choose to study in Argentina, participate in a farm or hostel volunteer-exchange programme while travelling. Spanish, tango and soccer lessons are also great options while enjoying a very rich cultural, artistic and sporty visit to Argentina. Join this session to hear more about the opportunities for young visitors in Argentina and to hear directly from government representatives of Buenos Aires.


Rafael Zelmann

General Director

Why attend

  • Over 600 attendees from the global youth and student travel industry
  • 200+ pre-selected buyers
  • Up to 44 pre-scheduled business appointments
  • 92% senior management attendees
  • 25 seminars and workshops
  • Up to 7 networking events