Hosted buyer

Terms and Conditions


  • By completing and submitting the WYSTC 2024 buyer application form, the applicant understands that his/her registration must be confirmed in writing by the WYSE Travel Confederation.
  • The registration application is not an offer and the attendance the World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) may be restricted by WYSE Travel Confederation for any reason.
  • The buyer understands that approval of Hosted Buyer registration is subject to availability and ability to meet the set criteria. The final decision lies with WYSE Travel Confederation.
  • The buyer attending the conference in-person is responsible for all travel arrangements and costs incurred to, during and from the event unless the buyer has received a written offer from WYSE Travel Confederation informing them that transport costs and/or accommodation and will be provided.
  • The buyer agrees to pay an administration fee upon approval of the application to secure registration, (for fully Hosted Buyer registration fee, see Hosted registration fee T&C below).
  • The buyer is responsible for securing and paying any fees associated with a visa for Portugal.
  • The buyer understands that his/her organisation’s logo will be used to promote that organisation’s attendance at the conference.
  • The buyer agrees to provide a breakdown of numbers sent per sector. The non-aggregated information is for internal use only.
  • The buyer understands that he/she must register for WYSTC under the brand name provided in his/her buyer application form and/or mentioned in their participation offer.
  • The buyer understands that his/her Marcom ACE profile must include the brand name used in his/her WYSTC registration and application forms.
  • The buyer agrees to read in full the buyer section with its sub-pages on
  • By registering for WYSTC, the buyer agrees to the general WYSTC terms and conditions.
  • The buyer should contact with any questions.

Hosted accommodation and transport costs

  • In the event of hotel accommodation being hosted by WYSE Travel Confederation, the buyer is responsible for all additional charges such as room service, laundry, etc. Your accommodation arrangements will be confirmed by email nearer the event.
  • Any buyer who fails to arrive on the first day of the event without giving 28 days notice to WYSE Travel Confederation will be charged the full cost of 3 nights accommodation. This charge does not include the cancellation fee.
  • In the event of transport costs being hosted by WYSE Travel Confederation, the buyer agrees to book his/her own return transport costs to Lisbon and will be reimbursed by WYSE Travel Confederation in accordance with the transport costs allowance specified in writing in the buyers’ unique participation offer.
  • In the event of transport costs being hosted by WYSE Travel Confederation, the buyer is responsible for any fees or charges incurred due as a result of ticket changes.
  • Reimbursement of transport costs is valid only for cheapest available economy class return transport costs to Lisbon international transport hub from the nearest international transport hub in a country where a Hosted Buyer’s organisation is based.
  • If the buyer meets all of the terms and conditions, the reimbursement of transport costs will occur within 14 days following the end of the WYSTC conference and are subject to transport booking receipts and bank details having been provided within 14 days of the conference. Bank details must be in the name of the registered organisation’s name and must be a business bank account.
  • The buyer is responsible for any additional costs associated with travel and/or accommodation that extends beyond WYSTC Lisbon 2024 dates.
  • Travel insurance and private transfers are not included in the WYSE Hosted Buyer programme.

Hosted registration/ administation fee costs

  • The Hosted Buyer agrees to pay a refundable administration fee upon upon approval of the application to secure registration. This offer must be confirmed in writing by WYSE Travel Confederation.
  • Fully hosted buyer registration is subject to availability and must be confirmed by WYSE Travel confederation in writing. Misuse or redistribution of codes provided to a hosted buyer will result in cancellation of the hosted buyer’s registration.


  • The buyer agrees to have secured a minimum of 27 appointments with sellers one week prior to the event taking place. Any additional delegates must secure a minimum of 15 individual appointments.
  • The buyer must fully complete his/her profile on Marcom ACE within five working days of receiving their login details.
  • The buyer must respond to business appointment requests within five working days of receiving a request.
  • If a significant number of scheduled appointments are missed (no-shows), or not pre-scheduled, the buyer will be fully and solely responsible for a misconduct fee of EUR 50 per appointment missed or not scheduled, and for the full price of their hosted accommodation. Any hosted transport costs booked and paid for by the buyer will not be reimbursed.
  • The buyer understands that his/her presence is required at all official WYSTC functions as indicated in the programme.
  • The buyer understands that WYSTC operates on the basis of protected trading hours during which buyers are expected to be present. During these hours, an attending buyer may not attend external events that are not considered to be part of the WYSTC programme. These hours are Tuesday, 24 September 10am – 8:30pm, Wednesday 25 September 10am – 8:30pm, Thursday 26 September 10am – 7pm and Friday, 27 September 10am – 7pm. A buyer attending external events during these trading hours may be subject to a misconduct fee.
  • The Hosted Buyer registration is limited to one delegate per organisation. Any additional delegates may be registered for a different fee. Additional buyer delegates cannot apply for hosted transport costs and accommodation.
  • Family members, friends or business associates of the Buyer who are not officially registered will not be admitted to the event.
  • The buyer understands that all participant arrangements and/or changes must be submitted in writing and confirmed by WYSE Travel Confederation prior to WYSTC.
  • The buyer agrees not to use his/her attendance at WYSTC for his/her own commercial purposes by trying to sell or offer services or products to other event participants. Buyers should only schedule appointments exclusively with sellers. WYSTC and WYSE Travel Confederation reserve the right to cancel any appointments between buyers. Repeated misuse of business appointments may be considered misconduct and could be subject to misconduct fee of EUR 50 per buyer-buyer appointment, and/or cancellation of registration.
  • WYSE Travel Confederation reserves the right to access and edit buyers’ Marcom ACE profiles and to schedule or decline appointments.
  • Any misconduct will also incur that the buyer will be denied any further participation at any WYSE Travel Confederation hosted events.
  • By attending WYSTC conference, the buyer understands that the official conference photographer and videographer will be operating on site and agrees that by attending WYSTC conference, the buyer’s photograph may be taken and this footage may be used by the organisers for marketing purposes.
  • Sharing buyer’s badges is not permitted at any time. Badges are issued to, and can be picked up by, and used only by the buyer named in the registration. Badges must be worn at all times during WYSTC conference and all social events. WYSE Travel Confederation reserves the right to remove any buyer from the conference found to be in breach of these conditions and may restrict the buyer from attending future WYSE Travel Confederation events.


  • Hosted Buyers who wish to cancel their attendance must do so in writing to by 13 August 2024.
  • For registrations cancelled before 13 August 2024 no refunds on the paid administration fee will be provided.
  • Registrations cancelled on or after 13 August 2024 will be subject to an EUR 500 buyer cancellation penalty and no refunds on the administration fee paid will be provided.

Liability and insurance

  • WYSE Travel Confederation is not liable for any claims of theft, damage of property, or injury sustained while participation takes place.


  • WYSE Travel Confederation shall have full power to interpret and amend the above mentioned terms and conditions.
  • Should a buyer fail to comply with the WYSTC Hosted Buyer terms and conditions, a misconduct charge of EUR 800 will be applied. Additionally, they will be responsible for the total price of their hosted accommodation. Any hosted transport costs booked and paid for by the buyer will not be reimbursed.
  • Any misconduct will also incur that the Hosted Buyer will be denied any further participation at any WYSE Travel Confederation hosted events.

Terms and Conditions as at 04 April 2024.