Empowering underprivileged Muslim women in Sri Lanka through tourism
Friday, 11 October – 09:40 – 10:00
Workshop area
Being a woman from a minority community in the developing world can be challenging. When you throw in the added burdens of poverty, lack of education, neglect, archaic gender stereotypes and ultra-conservative traditional norms, the situation becomes even worse. Come learn about how we are building a grassroots programme with the help of our global volunteers and local community to empower vulnerable rural Muslim women of southern Sri Lanka by providing them with basic tools to succeed in today’s globalised world through education and cultural exchange.
Why attend
- Over 600 attendees from the global youth and student travel industry
- 200+ pre-selected buyers
- Up to 44 pre-scheduled business appointments
- 92% senior management attendees
- 25 seminars and workshops
- Up to 7 networking events